
Energy Update: January 10, 2007

UW-绿湾 Energy Consumption
Primary Electric and 气体  •  Summer 2006 vs. 2005年夏天

6,227,878 KWH = 17% less than 2005 = approx $82,000 in savings

为什么? 几个原因:

  • A state directive implemented to limit cooling to 76F meant an increase in thermostat set points by up to 4F from previous years
  • 22% fewer cooling days than in 2005
  • A new cooling strategy implemented to pre-cool buildings during off-peak hours

34% lower than 2005 = approx $85,000 in savings

为什么? Two major improvements:

  • Thermostat set point change to 76F reduced air conditioning which reduced need for steam reheat allowing for shutdown where not necessary
  • New high-efficiency boilers began steaming in early 7月

Substantial progress was made to reach the Governor's goal of reducing overall energy consumption 10% by FY08 and 20% by FY10 from FY05 levels. Progress continues through a combination of capital improvements, 教育, operating procedures, the patience and cooperation of the UW-绿湾 community.


Energy Fact: 6月 22, 2006

The PSC pool water has 3,880 square feet of solar collectors on the roof that preheats the water for the pool. The pool temperature is maintained at 81 degrees. In 2005, this system saved 6,540 therms of natural gas, which is equivalent to producing hot water for twenty residential households. 太阳能矿业, 离开绿湾, installed the system, they own the equipment, the University pays them for the difference in energy consumption. 

Energy Fact: Campus Goal is 5% reduction

The following table compares last fiscal year's electricity use versus this fiscal year's use. Potential reasons for the reduction in electricity use could be attributed to construction and remodeling of the Kress 事件 Center (formerly the Phoenix Sports Center) and Instructional Services. The campus goal is a five percent reduction this fiscal year (17,688,622 kilowatts).

  2005-2006 kW 2006-2007 kW 千瓦方差
6月 1,780,800 1,485,325 295, 475
7月 1,898,400 1,728,875 169,525
8月 2,121,800 1,641,557 480,243
总: 5,801,000 4,855,757 945,243